"All We Have Is God"

The headlines caught my eye as I leafed through a recent Portland Press Herald newspaper.  Due to the secular nature of most newspapers the phrase made me take a second look.  I continued on, reading about the town of Santa Tecla, El Salvador, where an earthquake caused a portion of a nearby mountain to slide down burying many of the  homes of the town's  inhabitants.  At the time this story went to print, 672 people were confirmed dead.  The quote that made me take notice went as follows,  "All we have is God and the helicopter that brings food." All we have is God.  All we have is God.  That phrase kept ringing through my head.  What a inspiration that was to me.  Here in this town's darkest hour, a faith-filled soul said "all he had is God."  It made me taste some humble pie and wonder whether I would have the courage to say such if my home or family were taken away from me.  It reminded me again of the teenager in the library of Columbine High School who in her darkest hour also looked toward God with no regard to what that verbal proclamation cost her.  Courageous souls looking toward their Saviour despite the horrors of Satan's handiwork, sin.  May we learn that God is all we have when all is said and done.  A gift given to us for the taking. A Saviour, who can release us from the prison of earthly possessions, binding time schedules, insecurities and self-doubt.  I pray I'm never too proud to accept his generous gift of life forever.  Lamplighter Editor

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'A Happy Seventh-day Adventist"